EUROSTARS ir a European innovation programme supporting research performing SME's who invest in the creation of new products, services and processes to gain a competitive edge. The programme finances innovative international projects whose results can enter the market as quickly as posible.
EUROSTARS is an international programme for projects that involve two or more partners from different EU countries. With the help of international cooperation, companies can more easily reach new markets through this programme.
The EUROSTARS programme is financed under the European Commisions HORIZON 2020 programme and the national budgets of 34 EUROSTAR member countries.
Funding under the EUROSTARS programme cn be given to legal persons:
research and academic institutions
university hospitals
The project must be coordinated by a research performing SME that have 5 (small and very smal enterprises) or 10 (medium enterprises) or no less than 10 % of all full time employees performing R&D activies or spend no less than 10 % of their revenue on R&D activities.
All consortium members must be registerred in EUROSTARS programme member states.
The consortium must contain at least 2 independent institutions from different EUROSTARS programme member states.
The projects SME budget must make up at least 50 % of the entire project budget.
No single consortium member accounts for more than 75 % of the entire project budget.
Project duration must be less than 3 years and the introduction of the innovation to the market must be within 2 years of the conclusion of the project.
The project results should have civilian applications.
Under national rules, a Lithuanian SME must be included in the consortium.
Non-economic activities by research and accademic institutions are funded up to 100%
The economic activities of SME's and research and accademic institutions are funded up to 80%.
A single project can receive up to 300 000 Eur.
The next call for applications will be announced within the coming months.