SMEInst-01-2016-2017: Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme
This program supports Information Communication Technologies that have the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones.
SMEInst-02-2016-2017: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs
This program supports bringing new nanotechnologies, advanced materials and manufacturing processes to market. Project should develop these technologies to a maturity level fit for market replication.
SMEInst-03-2016-2017: Dedicated support to biotechnology SMEs closing the gap from lab to market
This program supports biotechnology SMEs. Project should bring technologies from the lab to the market.
SMEInst-04-2016-2017: Engaging SMEs in space research and development
This program supports the creation of products and services based on Earth observation and satellite technology, especially ones related to the Galilea and Copernicus programs. This program also supports the development of space-faring vessel and space station components.
SMEInst-05-2016-2017: Supporting innovative SMEs in the healthcare biotechnology sector
The application of cell technologies in medicine. This includes: cell manufacturing (culture, multiplication, scale-up and automation), preservation, banking and transport; identification, cell sorting and delivery, imaging, tracking, process and quality control; genetic engineering and gene editing; production of therapeutic biomolecules. The medical applications of cell technologies include diagnostics and biosensors; cell and gene therapy, tissue engineering, bio-artificial organs, hematology, immunotherapy, and vaccine and antibody production; predictive toxicology, synthetic biology, and modelling development and disease processes. The projects address cells from any eukaryotic source though their eventual application must be to human medicine.
Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices.
SMEInst-06-2016-2017: Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
This programs supports the application of ICT solutions in medicine.
SMEInst-07-2016-2017: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
This program supports projects that increase the competitiveness or sustainability of the agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors.
SMEInst-08-2016-2017: Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth
This program supports innovative ideas in aquaculture, marine construction and marine biology.
SMEInst-09-2016-2017: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system
This program supports ideas with the potential to reduce carbon emissions and increase thermal and electrical energy efficiency.
SMEInst-10-2016-2017: Small business innovation research for Transport and Smart Cities Mobility
This program supports improvements in the transport and logistics sectors and the increase of mobility in large cities.
SMEInst-11-2016-2017: Boosting the potential of small businesses in the areas of climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
This program supports the commercial usage of climate science and increases in raw material production efficiency and environmental friendliness.
SMEInst-12-2016-2017: New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
This program supports the development of public services, the usage of cultural heritage and the creative sector.
SMEInst-13-2016-2017: Engaging SMEs in security research and development
This program supports projects that are related to Fighting crime and terrorism, the protection of critical infrastructure, cyber security, border security and increasing Europe’s preparedness for disasters and crises.