This program supports the development of manufacturing processes for paper-based electronics.
Proposals should develop high-precision, cost efficient, and high output printing or other manufacturing technologies on large area (inkjet, screen printing amongst others, and sheet-to-sheet or roll-to-roll processes). Proposals should address the physical, chemical and engineering challenges linked with the use of paper as substrate as well as active components of the electronic devices: it includes the development on new technologies for paper manufacturing (fiber enhancement, porosity, fillers, etc) and converting, new paper coatings (organic, inorganic or hybrid), paper surface characteristics and functionalization (nanocellulose functionalization, plasma or gas treatments, bio and chemical modifications for instance) but also heterogeneous integration of high-added value electronic components on paper and introduction of new materials (conductors, semiconductors, insulators, electrochromic, batteries electrodes).
The applicant must be a consortium of at least 3 different unrelated legal entities in 3 different Horizon 2020 affiliated countries.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 5 and 8 million would allow this area to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Funding rate 100%.
This program will have 1 more call on 2016 October 27 which has a budget of 48 million euros that it shares with 2 other research programs.