This program supports the development of systems for detecting controlled substances.
Proposals should address the deployment of detection systems in large and medium cities, in existing utility networks, or a combination of such networks. Proposals shall address sewage networks and quality of air monitoring networks, and may address other networks. Proposals should also provide for a mobile platform equipped to ascertain the composition and location of suspicious measurements, once data have been provided by the networked detection systems. Proposals should provide for the prototype of a system controlling the detection systems and capable of fusing data provided by a variety of such networks, and of interfacing with other networks.
The applicant must be a consortium of at least 3 different unrelated legal entities in 3 different Horizon 2020 affiliated countries.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 8 million would allow this area to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Funding rate is 70% for profit seeking organizations and 100% for non-profits.
This program will have 1 more call on 2017 August 24 which has a budget of 16 million euros.